With the news of higher interest rates, the market slowing, price reductions and overall public sentiment about home buying, buyers are asking themselves is now a good time to buy a home in Austin? If you’ve been following our Austin real estate price reports, you’ll see we analyze the market every month and make a […]
7 Good Reasons to Sell Your Home During the Holidays
There is a wrong-headed notion out there that homes don’t sell during the Holiday season. If you buy that idea, you may miss a great opportunity to sell your home for top dollar, quickly. If you’re thinking of selling your home soon, but are hesitant because of the Holidays, here are 7 good reasons to […]
Austin Named #1 US City Where Prices are Dropping the Most
Recently, Realtor.com posted an article naming the 10 cities where home prices are dropping the most right now. Austin takes the top spot on this list with a 10.3% decrease in median price from June to September from their data. They cite the reason as higher interest rates scaring away buyers. If you read on, […]
Is the Austin Real Estate Market Slowing?
We’ve been seeing a lot of changes to the Austin housing market over the past 3 months. Interest rates that were promising to go up finally did. Central Texas county assessors increased assessed values more than they have in years past, drastically increasing property taxes. Homeowners insurance rates have also sharply increased. Combine those factors […]
What is a Seller Looking for in a Multiple Offer Situation?
As we head into the busy Spring home buying season in Austin, we’re starting to see more multiple offers. As the season progresses, I would expect to see more. Buyers who want to eliminate the frustration of losing a home to another buyer need a carefully thought out multiple offer strategy. To be successful, the […]
How Market Conditions Affect a Buyer’s Negotiation Strategy
Every residential real estate transaction is negotiable in varying degrees relative to the local housing market conditions. While it is true that the homeowner sets the asking price, it is the home buyer that truly determines the home’s value. Why? Because a home is only worth what a ready, willing and financially able buyer will […]
3 Key Facts for Austin Home Buyers and Sellers in Spring 2018
You read all sorts of articles in the newspaper and online about the Austin real estate market. Some say Austin is a great place for home buyers. Others say we are in a bubble. Others say it makes sense for investors and some say not. What is really going on? Here we’ll share with your […]
14 Things that Will Definitely Happen if You Put Off Your Home Search Until Spring
I know this is not the time of year most people think about buying a home. We are all distracted with the Holidays coming up, family obligations, travel and wrapping up 2017. But, if you’re looking to buy a home in Austin, putting off your home search until Spring may not be the best decision […]
Experts Say September is Best Month to Buy a Home in Austin
Chief Economist of Realtor.com, Jonathan Smoke, recently released analysis showing why he thinks September will be the best month to buy a home in 2015. Most of these reports are usually only supported with anecdotal data best. In Jonathan’s analysis, he backed it up with numbers, which as an Engineer, you know I love. His […]
Austin Named #16 on Hottest Real Estate Markets in US List
In a recent analysis of July 2015 sales data, Realtor.com made a list of the 20 hottest real estate markets in the US. Which cities made the list? Where did Austin fall? First, let’s look at how they analyzed the data to get the results. What Metrics Were Used to Determine the Hottest Real Estate […]