North San Gabriel River Ranch is a unique neighborhood of homes on 1-5 acre lots, with the majority of them backing to the North Fork of the San Gabriel River. Lots that back to the river are long, so you’ll get more space in your front and back yard than you will between your neighbors. The lots on the north side of the street are still long, but are wider if you would prefer space over river frontage. The river is not always flowing, so if you want a constant stream, you might want to look elsewhere. You will see a mix of manufactured homes that have been put on a pier and beam foundation as well as traditional homes on a concrete slab. Other homes have more of an industrial look with a steel building construction. With no HOA, residents have the freedom to build the type of home they want and can have outbuildings, barns, sheds and structures. If you’re looking for a neighborhood with minimal oversight and want some unique features like river frontage, North San Gabriel River Ranch is a great place to start your search. Scroll Down to Read Our North San Gabriel River Ranch Neighborhood Guide.
North San Gabriel River Ranch Homes for Sale
North San Gabriel River Ranch Neighborhood Map
North San Gabriel River Ranch is located off 183. To get to North San Gabriel River Ranch, take 35 to 29 and head west. Make a right on 183. Make a right on 3405. Make a right on CR 257. North San Gabriel River Ranch is shaded on the map below. Explore other Liberty Hill neighborhoods in our Liberty Hill Neighborhood Guide. Scroll down to continue reading our North San Gabriel River Ranch neighborhood guide.
North San Gabriel River Ranch Schools
Kids who live in Liberty Hill’s North San Gabriel River Ranch are served by the Liberty Hill ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
- Louine Noble Elementary - 7/10
- Santa Rita Middle - 7/10
- Liberty Hill High - 7/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
North San Gabriel River Ranch Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate in Liberty Hill’s North San Gabriel River Ranch is 1.6146% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.7873% as of the 2022 tax year. The property tax rate was 1.886% as of the 2021 tax year.
North San Gabriel River Ranch Photos

Liberty Hill Realtor Specializing in North San Gabriel River Ranch Homes

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Liberty Hill Realtors specializing in North San Gabriel River Ranch homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in North San Gabriel River Ranch, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in North San Gabriel River Ranch and Selling a Home in North San Gabriel River Ranch.