Located off Highway 183 just south of the North Fork San Gabriel River, Liberty Oaks is one of Liberty Hill’s more established neighborhoods. Homes were built in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s and sit on 2.5-6 acre lots, making it a great place for someone who wants a good distance between their neighbors. Homes range in size from 1,899-3,488 square feet and are all custom, so you won’t find an exact floor plan. Driveways are typically dirt or gravel and include a gate near the road, keeping with a more rural feel. You’ll also find many of the homes have outbuildings and some even have barns for your horses and livestock. Some of the lots are more wooded than others and you can tell the previous owners planted trees near the front of the property for added privacy. Homes are not set back from the road as far as they could be with lots this size, so you will still feel like you are part of a community, even though you might have 6 acres. There is no HOA in Liberty Oaks, so residents really have the freedom to use their properties as they see fit. If you’re looking to live in Liberty Hill, but want to avoid master planned communities and would rather live in a more country like setting, Liberty Oaks is a great place to start your search. Scroll Down to Read Our Liberty Oaks Neighborhood Guide.
Liberty Oaks Homes for Sale
Liberty Oaks Neighborhood Map
Liberty Oaks is located off 1869 in Liberty Hill. To get to Liberty Oaks, take 183 to 1869 and head west. Make a right on Foust Drive. Make a left on Liberty Drive. Liberty Oaks is shaded on the map below. Explore other Liberty Hill neighborhoods in our Liberty Hill Neighborhood Guide. Scroll down to continue reading our Liberty Oaks neighborhood guide.
Liberty Oaks Schools
Kids who live in Liberty Hill’s Liberty Oaks neighborhood are served by the Liberty Hill ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
- Bill Burden Elementary - 8/10
- Liberty Hill Middle - 6/10
- Liberty Hill High - 7/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Liberty Oaks Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate in Liberty Hill’s Liberty Oaks neighborhood is 1.6146% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.7873% as of the 2022 tax year. The property tax rate was 1.886% as of the 2021 tax year.
Liberty Oaks Photos

Liberty Hill Realtor Specializing in Liberty Oaks Homes

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Liberty Hill Realtors specializing in Liberty Oaks homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Liberty Oaks, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in Liberty Oaks and Selling a Home in Liberty Oaks.