Great Oaks is a unique neighborhood in that when you drive through, you’d think you’re in a neighborhood much farther outside the city, but you are actually right in the heart of Round Rock. Lots are at least an acre and a quarter and some are as big as 4.5 acres, which creates a good amount of space between neighbors despite the majority of the 1970s and 1980s homes being 2,500-4,300 sq ft. There are no sidewalks, giving more to the country feel, but there is also not a lot of traffic on the side streets so you still see people walking along the side of the road. Another feature residents are drawn to is the low tax rate and the low HOA dues (only $25/year!), making it an even better choice for someone who doesn’t want to put a lot of their monthly payment towards fees that don’t contribute to their home’s equity. If you’re looking for space, don’t need an ultra modern home, but also don’t want to be miles from any city conveniences, Great Oaks is the ideal place to start your search. Scroll Down to Read Our Great Oaks Neighborhood Guide.
Great Oaks Homes for Sale
Great Oaks Neighborhood Map
Great Oaks is located off Hairy Man Road. To get to Great Oaks, take 35 to Sam Bass Road and head west. Make a left on Hairy Man Road. Make a right on Great Oaks Drive. Great Oaks is shaded in orange on the map below. Explore other Round Rock neighborhoods in our Round Rock Neighborhood Guide. Scroll down to continue reading our Great Oaks neighborhood guide.
Great Oaks Schools
Kids who live in Round Rock’s Great Oaks neighborhood are served by the Leander ISD or the Round Rock ISD and will likely attend the following schools:
Leander ISD Schools
- Akin Elementary - 8/10
- Stiles Middle - 10/10
- Vista Ridge High - 8/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Round Rock ISD Schools
- Brushy Creek Elementary - 6/10
- Walsh Middle - 9/10
- Round Rock High - 8/10
School ratings reflect Great Schools ratings as of January 2025. Ratings are subject to change at any time. Please verify ratings and boundaries with the school district.
Great Oaks Property Tax Rate
The property tax rate for Round Rock’s Great Oaks neighborhood is 1.5064% as of the 2023 tax year, down from 1.6501% as of the 2022 tax year. The property tax rate was 1.7968% as of the 2021 tax bill.
Great Oaks Photos

Round Rock Realtor Specializing in Great Oaks Homes

Rebecca Jacks and Raymond Stoklosa are Round Rock Realtors specializing in Great Oaks homes. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Great Oaks, Rebecca and Raymond know the area well and have the experience and tools necessary to make your next real estate transaction stress free. For more info about who we are and how we work, check out Buying a Home in Great Oaks and Selling a Home in Great Oaks.