Anderson is located in the Austin ISD and has earned Great School’s 7/10 rating as of January 2025, making it one of the Austin ISD’s highest rated high schools. Homes near Anderson High School are located on the Northwest side of Austin. You can find a home in all price ranges, so its best if you put in your search parameters (beds, baths, price) in our homes near Anderson High School search tool below and see where homes in your price range can be found. Scroll Down to Read More About Homes Near Anderson High School.
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How Much are Homes Near Anderson High School?
Homes near Anderson High School range in price from the high 200k’s to the millions. Homes in the upper part of the price spectrum are located in Cat Mountain, Northwest Hills and Vista Ridge. With this much of a price differential, its hard to pinpoint the type of home you can find near Anderson High School.
Where is Anderson High School?
Anderson High is located at: 8403 Mesa Drive |
Looking for a Home Near Anderson High?
We can help save you time and money! We know the area well and can help you navigate the market. If you’re ready to get started on your home search, or just have some questions, call us at (512) 827-8323 or email us at info@11OaksRealty.com to set up a no obligation consultation.
Learn more about who we are and how we work at our Buyer Representation Program page.